Today, MNU President Dr. David Spittal, Olathe Mayor John Bacon, Fire Chief Jeff DeGraffenreid and Police Chief Mike Butaud, signed an agreement establishing MNU’s First Responders Scholarship. The scholarship benefits high school-age children of fallen active-duty Olathe police officers and firefighters. The scholarship is being established to both recognize the ultimate sacrifice of first responders who give their lives in the service of public safety and to potentially ease financial burden for their high-school-age children seeking higher education.
Mayor Bacon thanked the group saying, “I am so incredibly proud of the way Olathe supports our First Responders. And this scholarship partnership we’re celebrating today means each and every one of the brave firefighters and police officers working for Olathe can know that if the unthinkable were to happen, this community will take care of their family, because that’s what Olatheans do. Thank you Dr. Spittal, Chief Butaud and Chief DeGraffenreid for your work to make this scholarship happen. It’s the right thing to do. Thank you for this unprecedented support of Olathe’s bravest.”
Chief DeGraffenreid expressed gratitude on behalf of the Fire Department.
“Thank you for thinking big and accomplishing what some thought was impossible,” he said. “I feel very confident in saying that every single firefighter in Olathe is grateful beyond measure for this possibility.”
Chief Butaud echoed those thoughts adding, “This is a gift to everyone and we are very grateful for that. Knowing that the school will wrap its arms around families that are in need is a tremendous blessing. I will hope and pray every night that we never have to take the opportunity to use this scholarship. But we greatly appreciate it.”