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Pioneer Trek Storytelling Mission in the Czech Republic

Carol Best

The team enjoyed sightseeing on Charles Bridge in the capital city of Prague. L to R: Prof. Aaron Bohn, Victoria Weatherford, Rebekah Chelikowsky, Clayton Allen (’24), Kayla Calderon (’24).

As part of MNU’s Pioneer Trek program, a team of four MNU students and two professors traveled to the Czech Republic this summer, for an immersive experience in storytelling and ministry. The trip centered around a storytelling camp for middle school students using MNU’s team to teach English and storytelling skills while they grew in their faith and gained valuable cross-cultural experience.

Before heading to the camp in the town of Hradec Králové, the MNU team participated in ministry training in the city of Ostrava. The training emphasized the power of storytelling, from fairy tales to parables, in communicating deeper spiritual truths. Addison Lucchi, instructional research librarian and professor, shared that “students engaged wholeheartedly in game-based training for camp, practicing telling stories from their own lives and reflecting on the ways storytelling can be a profound tool in ministry.” Afterward, the group headed to camp, where they spent a week working closely with Czech students.

The trip was also about personal and spiritual growth. Victoria Weatherford, a nursing major, reflected on how the trip helped her learn to trust God more deeply, especially regarding finances and the cost of the trip. Her act of faith became a meaningful exercise, showing her the importance of letting go and trusting in God’s provision.

The camp itself provided the team with a powerful cultural exchange. The Czech middle schoolers, though from a different country, were much like their American peers—navigating the same confusing emotions and challenges of adolescence. The MNU team members bonded quickly with the children, having fewer cultural differences than expected.

Prayer played a central role in the week’s activities. The camp leader, Keifer, guided the group in simple, conversational prayer practices treating it as an ongoing dialogue with Jesus. They were encouraged to spend time reflecting on how God was using them and whether He might be calling them in new directions.

The MNU team was struck by the intentionality of the Czech Christians they met, particularly Keifer and his family, who host a house church in the local community. Their hospitality and commitment to ministry were evident throughout the week, as they created a welcoming environment for students and others through casual conversations, games, and prayer sessions.

Maggie Lucchi, Rebekah Chelikowsky, Kayla Calderon (’24), Aaron Bohn, professor, Clayton Allen (’24), Addison Lucchi, professor, Victoria Weatherford, and the Lucchi’s two children at the border between the Czech Republic and Poland during a cultural excursion to the Polish town of Těšín.

The team also enjoyed several cultural outings around the Czech Republic. These included visits to historical sites and a day trip to neighboring Poland, offering the students and professors an opportunity to appreciate the broader cultural and historical context of the region. For many on the team, the trip became a transformative journey of faith, where they not only impacted the lives of the Czech students but also experienced a renewal of their own spiritual direction.

Learn more about Pioneer Trek at mnu.edu/pioneer-treks.

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